A Personal Injury Lawyer Handles Commercial Vehicle Accident Claims

divine-law-personal-injury-lawyer-kansas-city-commercial-vehicle-accidentA personal injury lawyer can help victims recover compensation when they have been injured in an accident with a commercial vehicle. In crashes involving large trucks, in particular, injuries can be very severe, and often fatal. A personal injury lawyer with experience handling these types of cases can help victims (or their families) to recover financial compensation for not only physical injuries but also for emotional pain and suffering, lost wages and other financial losses.

Companies insure their vehicles with commercial insurance carriers who have teams of adjusters and attorneys to protect them from risk and expense. When an injury accident involving a company vehicle occurs, company representatives along with the insurance carrier begin investigating the accident – often within hours of it happening. Their primary objective is to avoid liability and prevent paying out on the claim any more than they absolutely have to. Of importance, when you have a personal injury lawyer protecting your best interests, he will also begin an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident. 

More often than not, insurance adjusters will contact the injured person and make a settlement offer to try to close the claim out as quickly (and cheaply) as possible. To someone who is not familiar with the way insurance adjusters operate, they may be so happy to see a check they accept it immediately. However, you should not accept any offers that you receive without consulting with a personal injury lawyer first. Here is a general guide for what to do – and what NOT to do (if you are able) following your accident.

  • Report the accident immediately
  • Seek medical attention immediately
  • File a police report and obtain a copy
  • Do not admit fault
  • Provide only the basic details
  • Do not provide any tape recorded or written statement
  • File your insurance claim
  • Do not sign anything!

What you do in the hours and days following the accident are critical, and you should call a personal injury lawyer immediately after your accident. Your attorney will prevent insurance investigators and others whose actions may not be in your best interests from speaking with you directly. Once you have a personal injury lawyer in your corner they are required to contact through him regarding all matters relating to your case.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer can make a huge difference in whether you receive adequate compensation for your injuries, property loss and lost wages. Attorney Craig M. Divine of Divine Law Office, LLC offers a free consultation. Contact him today for an appointment to discuss your case.


Divine Law Office LLC


Downtown Kansas City, Missouri



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